
About ReviewUpper

We help businesses to get more reviews, improve their reputation, and rank higher in Search Engines.

All the reviews are submitted by the customers of your business. We provide an easy platform for businesses to request reviews, remind the customers, direct the reviews to the appropriate sites where they are needed, view statistics on reviews & reputation, and view where your competitors stand.

We do not write, publish or sell reviews in any form or fashion. We are against any form of fake reviews. Please do not use such services since they are not only unethical, unprofessional, and soon or later the business will get blacklisted or banned altogether by the review sites. ReviewUpper is a technology company that provides solutions to enable businesses to generate authentic online reviews from their actual customers.

Since all reviews generated while using our software are the direct result of real customers reviewing the real business they interact with, we cannot guarantee results from using our software. Although businesses that use our software typically see higher review rates and a higher volume of reviews, results from business to business will vary and will depend on several factors including, but not limited to, industry of the business, the volume of customers served, level of satisfaction of the products or services rendered by the business to the customers, timing of sending out review requests, the accuracy of customer contact information, personalization of the review request, and the name of the sender on the email field.


Sathya Dev

Sathya Dev

Most small business owners are struggling in this digital economy. Many don’t have a clue what marketing is. However, they are very passionate about their business and profession. They’d instead love immersing themselves in their craft, passion, and talents if given a choice. We make that happen while helping your business thrive.

Sathya aims to help small business owners quickly get more customers, calls, appointments, and footfall for increased sales and bottom line.

Every business may not have the big budget to run ads on Google or Facebook. They may not spend thousands of dollars on SEO and other things. 

We help them move the needle in the right direction with the least effort and investment.

Sathya has an MS in Computer Science and is an alumnus of Intel, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE), Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), and General Electric (GE).